Thursday, June 19, 2014

Atendimento avaliação

Fica o horário de atendimento para efeito de avaliação, que decorrerá amanhã (20/06) na sala PS12.


Até lá,

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

[ ! ] Eventos + Notas [ ! ]

1) Tal como anunciado na aula, deixo aqui o seguinte convite para quem tiver interesse:

2) Fica também a informação de que ainda neste mês (de 25 a 28 de junho) realizar-se-á, no Porto, o xCoAx 2014: Second conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. Todos os interessados poderão conhecer o evento e registar-se at
The development of computational tools and media has been radically transforming the landscape for the practice of the arts, of design and of numerous cultural manifestations. Recognizing this, xCoAx is designed as a multi-disciplinary enquiry on arts, computers, computation, communication and the elusive x factor that connects them all.
xCoAx is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discovery of new and valuable synergies. It is an event exploring the frontiers of digital arts with the participation of a diverse confluence of computer scientists, media practitioners and theoreticians, with a focus on the relations between what can and cannot be computed, what can and cannot be communicated, what is beautiful and how humans and computational systems intersect in the development of new directions in aesthetics.
The first edition of xCoAx took place in 2013 in Bergamo, Italy. The 37 works presented — selected from a total of 114 submissions from 28 countries — are compiled in the proceedings book, available at
3) Relembra-se ainda que todos os grupos deverão publicar o material apresentado nos respectivos blogues até ao final do dia de terça-feira (17/06).

Boas férias,

Monday, June 16, 2014

Questionário + Inquéritos pedagógicos + Sessão de atendimento

* Pede-se a todos os estudantes desta unidade curricular que preencham o seguinte questionário logo após a realização do P03, com o maior nível de sinceridade e honestidade: Obrigado.

* Pede-se ainda, de igual modo, a todos os estudantes que preencham os inquéritos pedagógicos no sigarra.

* Informa-se ainda que as sessões de atendimento para efeitos de avaliação decorrerão esta semana ao longo do dia de sexta-feira (20/06), mediante requerimento por email até ao fim do dia 18/06 (quarta-feira). Deste modo, o respectivo horário será anunciado neste blogue no dia seguinte. O atendimento será realizado mediante os grupos de trabalho estabelecidos, e não individualmente.

A todos um bom trabalho,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

P03 —> Horário das apresentação finais [!] UPDATED [!] —> 13/06

Indicações de procedimento

* A apresentação não deverá durar mais do que 7 minutos (recomenda-se que apontem para os 5 minutos, a fim de evitarem as discutidas penalizações), sendo que será interrompida quanto esse tempo terminar.

* Todas as apresentações terão uma sessão subsequente de 3 minutos dedicada a Q&A (Questions and Answers) que deverá ser obrigatoriamente colocada em prática pelo respectivo grupo que se encontra listado na coluna “Q&A” no horário de apresentações. Por outras palavras, esse grupo deverá colocar questões e elaborar uma breve crítica construtiva ao projeto apresentado.

* De modo a cumprir o horário com o máximo de rigor possível, os todos grupos de trabalho deverão ter o material a apresentar devidamente preparado quando a sessão de apresentação do grupo imediatamente anterior tiver terminado. Caso contrário, esgotarão o tempo dedicado à sua apresentação.

* Todos os grupos deverão respeitar o horário estipulado, e em caso de ausência o seu projeto será classificado com 0 (zero) valores, sendo que o grupo seguinte apresentará antecipadamente, e que para isso deverá estar devidamente preparado.

* Todos os grupos deverão estar presentes durante as apresentações dos seus colegas, adoptando uma postura de respeito pelo seu esforço e trabalho executado.

Horário [!] UPDATED [!] —>13/06

(5 +2 min.)
(3 min.)
14:00Apresentação da sessão.
17:20Final da sessão

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


* A apresentação final ocorrerá no Auditório do Pavilhão Sul, na segunda-feira (16/06), com início às 14:00. O horário das apresentações será publicado brevemente.

* Estarei disponível para atendimento na segunda (09/06) e quarta-feira (11/06) à tarde, mediante requerimento por email.

Bom trabalho a todos,

Monday, May 26, 2014

How to give a great ignite talk

More info at

“Death by PowerPoint”

“Death by PowerPoint” is a criticism of slide-based presentations referring to a state of boredom and fatigue induced by information overload during presentations such as those created by the Microsoft application PowerPoint. (…) “PowerPoint hell” is the tedium some people report on sitting through PowerPoint visual presentations that are too long and complex, making excessive use of the software’s features and when the presenter just reads from the slides.

Lightning talks

"Remember, you're talking to an intelligent crowd here who can normally move from A to B without having to be handled through each and every step."

"One of the biggest mistakes people make about the details is misunderstanding that just because they've put something on the slides it means that they have to explain it."

"When it comes down to it there's only one way to make sure that your talk will fit in the time-slot, and that's to practice it. Read it out aloud several times. Present it to the cat. Try to convince your colleague/flatmate/significant other to listen to it."

"Preparation is everything."

"Set up and load all the apps you're going to use first — no one wants to be caught on stage in an awkward silence with nothing to say while they wait the 20 seconds it takes Mozilla to load. While you're at it don't forget to close down instant-messenger clients, calendaring apps, and anything else that might randomly pop up dialogs when you're trying to speak."

"During a lightning talk it's vital that you keep your rapport with the audience, rather than diverting your attention to the computer every slide change. Unlike a 40-minute talk, you don't have time to take breaks between slides."

"Even when you take every precaution, you'll still encounter unexpected problems. Your demo won't work. You'll discover you're using a slightly older version of the slides. Your software will use the wrong font. The computer will burst into flames and burn down the venue. Remember that you don't have time to recover from any of these problems. Even if it takes you 30 seconds to locate a new version of the slides and remember where you were, that's a tenth of your talk gone. More importantly, the audience has lost interest while you're doing this and has slipped into their daydream world where you'll have to work really hard to reacquire their attention."


More at

Ignite & Pechakucha

"Ignite is the name for a particular type of event that is held throughout the world—organized by volunteers—at which participants speak about their ideas and personal or professional passions according to a specific format. The event holds the motto, “Enlighten us, but make it quick!” (…)  In Ignite each speakers gets 5 minutes, and must use 20 slides with each slide advancing automatically after 15 seconds, forcing speakers to get to the point, fast."

"PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha (Japanese: ペチャクチャ, IPA: [petɕa ku͍̥tɕa],[1] chit-chat) is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (six minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights (PKNs)."