Friday, February 28, 2014

[Notificação] Confirmação dos grupos de trabalho

Peço mais uma vez que confirmem os vossos grupos de trabalho e respectivos endereços de email. No caso de haver algum erro ou omissão notifiquem-me com brevidade via email, por favor.

Bom trabalho a todos,

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Grupos de trabalho

Peço que confirmem os vossos grupos de trabalho e respectivos endereços de email, e no caso de haver algum erro ou omissão notifiquem-me via email, por favor.


Ana Filipa Leal da Rocha <>
Inês Pinto Dias <>
Rute Filipa Duque Nogueira <>
Telmo Ribeiro Moranguinho <>

Maria Benedita Leão <>
Maria Teresa Barandela <>
Suzana Bigio <>

André Gonçalves <>
Inês Araújo <>
Luísa Gomes <>
Rita Prates <>

Angelina Isabel Moreira Santos <angelinaisantos@>
Maria Pereira da Cunha <>
Tiago André Botelho Andrade <>

Yevgeniya Tsyba <>
Priscila Quintana <>

Artur Santos <>
Luís Martins <>
Joaquim Pinto <>

PROJETO 2: Nintendo WiiOLO

Daniel Faria <>
Ana Rita Café <>
Susana Bento <>
Beatriz Correia de Carvalho <>

Inês Cruz <>
Sílvia Moura <>
Maria Sofia Gouveia <>
Marta Carrazedo <>

Alexandra Maria Gonçalves Freitas <>
Bruno Filipe de Sousa Barros <>
Jose Joaquim Vaz Ferreira <>
Helena Sofia Monteiro Lopes Cardia <>

PROJETO 3: Sega Fusion

Ana Marta Dias <>
Marina Pinto <>
Tânia Ramos <>
Rita Ribeiro <>

José Manuel da Conceição Raimundo <>

Ana Paula Costa <>
Rita Fonseca <>
Rúben Almeida <>

Cláudia Machado <>
Liliana Barros <>
Rita Campos <>
Sara Martins <>

Mafalda Marinho <>
Maria Beatriz Carvalho <>
Sara Bruna Martins <>

Fátima de Assunção Bravo <>
Inês de Caldas Martins <>
Inês Rodrigues Neves <>

Beatriz Amaral <>
Ana Panêlo <>
Fátima Chen <>

António Manuel Fonseca Ramos <>
Diogo Campo Grande <>

Filipa Franqueira Oliveira <>

Friday, February 21, 2014

About ExistenZ and Holodeck

"As in Videodrome, [David] Cronenberg gives his psychological statement about how humans react and interact with the technologies that surround them. In this case, the world of video games. (…) In the near-future, organic virtual reality game consoles known as "game pods" have replaced electronic ones. The pods are attached to "bio-ports", outlets inserted at players' spines, through umbilical cords. Two game companies, Antenna Research and Cortical Systematics, compete against each other. In addition, a group of "realists" fights both companies to prevent the "deforming" of reality."


"A holodeck, in the fictional Star Trek universe, is a simulated reality facility located on starships and star bases. (…) The holodeck is depicted as an enclosed room in which objects and people are simulated by a combination of transported matter, replicated matter, tractor beams, and shaped force fields onto which holographic images are projected."


Sunday, February 16, 2014

More on design briefs

Your design can only be as good as the brief you worked from. The best projects are borne from creative briefs that are open enough to inspire ideas, while being specific enough to feel workable.
As a designer it is important to have a template such as this one to give to clients as clients will not always come to you with a design brief – feel free to use this one as you please. By having a template ready, it shows them your professionalism and ultimately saves them (and you) a lot of time and money.

How do you write a design brief? — David Airey

Any graphic design project needs a detailed design brief. There are two main reasons:
  • It ensures the client knows exactly what s/he wants to achieve from the project.
  • It acts as a point of reference for designers, forming the focus of their work.


How to write a design brief - Kate Melsom

7 Basics to Create a Good Design Brief

The design brief serves as the guiding document for the project. Think of it as like a business plan for a specific project. It should cover everything necessary to the project, in a manner that is easy to refer to throughout the project timeline.
Make notes on your design briefs once you start the project. Keep your proposal along with it, as well as other important documents. Highlight the important parts of each, or make notes in the margins. Don’t just look it over at the beginning and then file it away somewhere. Effectively using a design brief throughout the process can result in a much better end result.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tudo Isto É Design! 2014

(O que, infelizmente, ficou por anunciar na aula de hoje.)

Estão todos convidados para a conferência "Tudo Isto É Design!". É um evento promovido pela Comissão de Acompanhamento da Licenciatura de Design de Comunicação que tem como objectivo dar a conhecer alguns dos projectos realizados, e saídas profissionais e académicas que têm sido encontradas por alumni da LDC da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto.

Nesta quinta-feira (13/02) às 17:00, na aula magna, contaremos com a presença de Pedro Amado, Rita Coelho, Pedro Serapicos, Júlio Dolbeth, IP4 Magazine, Rui Ricardo, Game Studio 78, Inês Melo, José Carneiro, e Adriano Rangel.

FRASCARA—Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science

Graphic designers are always in need of active dialogue with their clients and with other professionals (…) to really make the best of their practice. This certainly has important implications in relation to the evaluation of graphic design quality and to the education of graphic designers.
At FRASCARA, Jorge; Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science; 1988.

HELLER, Steven; Better Skills through Better Research; 2006

Research is not, however, some pedagogic make-work or punishment. It is rather a necessary dimension in undergraduate and graduate programs. (…) Nonetheless, research in the design discipline has also traditionally been something of a bugaboo. While appreciating its value in certain circumstances, designers realize it has proven to be double-edged sword. (…) The fact is graphic design, indeed all design, is not produced in a vacuum. If the correct structures are in place, outside influences must be considered and also prevail.
At HELLER, Steven; Better Skills through Better Research; 2006.