Saturday, March 8, 2014

Textos recomendados

Alguns estudantes manifestaram dificuldades em aceder aos seguintes textos recomendados. Creio que agora isso não deverá constituir problema.

Boas leituras e bom trabalho e todos,

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"The designer, of course, cannot combine just any set of beliefs with a subject to reach the communication goal. Communication is directed toward a specific audience and that audience comes to the argument with particular cultural beliefs and understanding."

"Graphic designers are always in need of active dialogue with their clients and with other professionals (…) to really make the best of their practice. This certainly has important implications in relation to the evaluation of graphic design quality and to the education of graphic designers."

"Research is not, however, some pedagogic make-work or punishment. It is rather a necessary dimension in undergraduate and graduate programs. (…) Nonetheless, research in the design discipline has also traditionally been something of a bugaboo. While appreciating its value in certain circumstances, designers realize it has proven to be double-edged sword. (…) The fact is graphic design, indeed all design, is not produced in a vacuum. If the correct structures are in place, outside influences must be considered and also prevail."
At HELLER, Steven; Better Skills through Better Research; 2006.

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